Friday, April 3, 2009


"Somebody's pulling me close to the ground. I can sense, but I can't see. I ain't panicked. I’ve been here before. Same as when I got popped on 104th Street. Don't take me to no hospital, please. Fuckin' emergency rooms don't save nobody. Sons of bitches always pop you at midnight...when all they got is a Chinese intern with a dull spoon. Oh look at these suckers scrambling around. What for? My Puerto Rican ass ain't supposed to have made it this far. Most of my crew got washed a long time ago.
Don't worry.
My heart, it don’t ever quit. I ain't ready to check out..."
Al Pacino, in "Carlito's Way" - discurso de abertura

Só tenho a acrescentar que é um dos melhores filmes de Sempre.

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