Saturday, February 14, 2009


Who are you
You there, trapped between my face and my pillow.
Falling doubtless, as if you know what to do or how.
Turning and spreading, leaving everyone behind
Twisting and tickling in my chick and my mind?
I am a tear – said she.

What are you doing
Going down crumbling,
As if you ran from something
When you know you’re part of me?
I am a tear – said she – and you are crumbling with me.

Creature brought from the hell
If it’s true what you say, I won’t ever know or even tell!
Who gave you the power to leave
And the strength to flow in your own swell?
I’m just a tear – said she – nothing more than your fear.

Fear? – said I
How can you know that I cry
How can you even ear?
You, rolling down so shy
But armed with all that gear
Intended to cut me while I lay here
Tell me and don’t lie,
Tell me and be true!
How can you?
I’m your tear, spoke the creature that never stopped
And I have no mask, no shelter and no helmet
It’s not my fault if I was unlocked
If I’m here it’s ‘cause so you let!

How dare you
Said I – discouraged and spooked
To be so bold and arrogant!
Unless you were sent
By an angel, like it is wrote in The Book.
If so, don’t waste time and let’s go
Just do what you’re meant to
Take me to my Brook
Like I did myself a long, long time ago!
I am Brook, or what she turned into
Said she – like telling something she really knew
I’m what She brought, kept in your thoughts
And I was trapped, just came out now you blew.
Don’t call me creature, I’m all the beauty from the one you took.
I’m part of you, your old beloved Brook
Roll your eye down and look
I write my way like the angel in The Book.

Creature, yes!
You come here and break the grace
When I want peace and nothing less
Running down my face until I’m broke
Just bring me my Brook
That left when we were young without leaving even a note!
And the tear stopped right in my chin:
I’m Brooke and I’m not coming. I’m a tear and I’m leaving
This is the last stop before I fade
If I came so far, it was you who cut of the bleeding
On one last cry, you held the blade.
You choose this way and Brook will now stop hiding
Behind the curtain of a past you both made.
A curtain of a smile holding the sorrow, this and nothing more
Brook and I are gone forevermore,
The beauty of a tear is that they never come anymore
Write a new chapter on The Book, live for you and ask for more.
Thank you – said I, go now, trapped part of me
Go away and don’t come back, my dearly enemy.
And - staring at the cliff – the creature talked for the last time to me:
I’m a tear and I fall free.
I’m a tear and I’ve set you free.

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